



Journal articles 学术论文

1.         张利国:《论数字技术对表演者权的冲击与法律上的回应》,载《政治与法律》,2023年第5期,第20-34页。

2.         张利国:《突发公共卫生事件中关键专利技术的许可机制及其完善》,载《清华法学》,2021年第6期,第162173页。

3.         张利国:《欧盟《通用数据保护条例》对我国数据安全立法的启示》,载《西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2020年第5期,第2527页。

4.         Zhang Liguo and Nari Lee, “Institutional Reforms and Governance of Intellectual Property Rights in China – the Case of Specialized Intellectual Property Courts,” Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 8, no. 1 (February 1, 2018): 59–67, .SSCI

5.         Liguo Zhang, Niklas Bruun, Legal Transplant of Intellectual Property Rights in China: Resistance, Adaptation and Reconciliation,IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (2017): 4-41.

6.         Nari Lee and Liguo Zhang, Specialized IP Courts in ChinaJudicial Governance of Intellectual Property Rights,IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 48, no. 8 (December 2017): 900924, .

7.         Liguo Zhang, How IPR Policies of Telecommunication Standard-Setting Organizations Can Effectively Address the Patent Ambush Problem,(2010): 380-410. (SSCI)

8.         Liguo Zhang, Refusal to License Intellectual Property Rights under Article 82 EC in light of Standardisation Context,EIPR European Intellectual Property Review (2010): 401-410.

9.         Liguo Zhang, In Search of a Balanced Solution to Access to Standard Essential Patents in the ICT Industry, Nordic Journal of Commercial Law (2013): 1-15.

Monographs 著作

1.         Liguo Zhang, Standardization and Patent Licensing in the European Union, Publications of IPR University Center, 2012, pp.1-260. (ISBN 978-952-67874-0-4)

2.         Rainer Oesch (ed.), Olli Ktila and Liguo Zhang, Technology Transfer of Research Results Protected by Intellectual Property: Finland and China, Tekes, 2009, pp1-37. (ISBN 978-952-457-483-9)

Chapters in research books 参与撰写的英文专著

1.         Liguo Zhang, “Employee Inventions: Comparative developments, Europe, Asian and US Perspectives,” in Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Employment Law, edited by Niklas Bruun, Marja-Leena Mansala, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, 263-292.

2.         Liguo Zhang, “Injunctive Relief in China’s Patent Law,” in Injunctive Relief in Patent law, edited by Rafał Sikorski, Kluwer Law International, 2018, 155-178.

3.         Liguo Zhang, Inigo Ituarte Flores Rosa Maria Ballardini, Essential Patents and Technical Standards in 3D Printing, in 3D printing, Intellectual Property and Innovation  Insights from Law and Technology, edited by Rosa Maria Ballardini, Kluwer Law International, 2017, 189-218.

4.         Liguo Zhang, Recent IP Legal Reforms in China and the EU in light of Implementing IPR Strategies, in Governance of IP Rights in China and in Europe, edited by Nari Lee, Niklas Bruun, Mingde Li, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016, 189-209.

5.         Niklas Bruun, Liguo Zhang, Legal Transplant of Intellectual Property Rights in China: Norm Taker or Norm Maker? in Governance of IP Rights in China and in Europe, edited by Nari Lee, Niklas Bruun, Mingde Li, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016, 43-64.

6.         Liguo Zhang, Max Oker-Blom,Parallel Trademark Law Reforms in China and Europe  an Informal Convergence? in Governance of IP Rights in China and in Europe, edited by Nari Lee, Niklas Bruun, Mingde Li, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016, 139-162.

7.         Liguo Zhang, IPR Policies of Telecommunication Standard-Setting Organizations, in In Search of New IP Regimes, edited by Niklas Bruun, Publications of IPR University Center 5, 2010, 63-90.


1.         项目主持人:国家社科基金项目“知识产权投机性牟利的法律控制研究”,在研。

2.         项目主持人:四川省科技职务成果改革成效的实证研究,在研。

3.         项目主持人:四川省软科学项目(重大战略支撑项目)“四川省促进氢燃料电池汽车产业技术标准化和专利联盟的战略、路径和措施”,已结项。

4.         项目主持人:四川省哲学社科规划项目“数字环境下表演者权利保护问题研究”,已结项。

8.         项目主持人:四川省级高端国外引才项目:“高科技企业面临的国际市场准入壁垒及法律解决方案研究,已结项。
